Manufacturers of PBX systems ...
... require state-of-the-art, easy to operate and powerful telephony options that can be networked and that fulfill specific client needs. ilink middleware does all this. Moreover, it is able to keep even visionary CTI promises and makes use of new sales opportunities.
Hardware manufacturers ...
... require technical solutions that enable CTI on their servers, smoothing their entry into the dynamic call center market. ilink middleware offers the required system extensions and standardized interfaces.
Software manufacturers ...
... are interested in extending their applications with CTI functions in order to penetrate new markets. Via easy-to-implement interfaces, ilink middleware is the key to enhancing the power and versatility of such applications.
End users ...
... are looking for flexible, cost effective and, above all, individual solutions to enable telephony in their computer networks. ilink middleware offers tailor-made answers when the functionality of existing applications must be enhanced and platform limits are to be overcome.
Clients (Selection)
- Alcatel Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart
- DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart
- Deutsche Bank AG, London
- Hapag Lloyd AG, Hamburg
- Staatliche Lotterie-Einnahme Walter Günther, Bamberg
- Otto GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
- Schering AG, Berlin
- Siemens AG, München
- Sixt AG Communication Center, Rostock
- taz, die tageszeitung, Berlin
Case Study Deutsche Bank
(PDF, german language only)
Case Study Hapag-Lloyd
(PDF, german language only)